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I would like to share an article by Marai Kiele here in my LinikedIn Feed today. For a long time now, I have been saddened by the way we treat each other when we disagree. This happens more and more often, even in private interactions. The corridor of opinion that we are still able to endure seems to be getting narrower and narrower.

Marai Kiele addresses something important to me. When organizations spread Fake News, be it press or even public institutions, in order to manipulate us, or to steer us in thinking in a certain direction, then we should address that clearly. But if a person holds a certain opinion, then he has every right to do so in a DEMOCRACY. It is not Fake News that is currently bringing us into an almost irreconcilable divide, but our handling of differing points of view. Almost reflexively, labels and attributions (right, left, Nazi, etc.) are imposed on people. How would it be if we would deal with each other again a little more consciously by first trying to understand what moves a person behind his view of things?

Hier den ganzen Beitrag „Awake from Fake“ auf LinkedIn lesen.

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